Friday, August 23, 2013

What Is a Brand?

Origin of Branding

In the olden days, branding was used to distinguish one person's cattle or animal from that of another person. It was done by stamping or burning a unique symbol on the animal's skin by a hot iron. This symbol was the distinguishing feature to identify or link the animal or set of animals to its owner. It was the mark of ownership.

The concept of branding was later used in commerce, industry and business for marketing, advertising and selling the products. Manufacturers, marketers and sellers started differentiating their product offerings by making promises to their potential and existing customers by proclaiming and making the customers aware that their products had uniquely beneficial features as compared to their competitors. These efforts were targeted in etching in customers' mind an association of those promised unique characteristics exclusively with their products.

Branding Extended

As the businessmen, marketers and professionals in variety of fields saw the advantages of branding, they did not limit it only to the products and started applying it in many territories. The concept of branding got extended to many things in due course of time. In modern times branding is done for:

  • Products
  • Services
  • Businesses/Corporations
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Cities/States/Countries
  • Political Parties
  • Governments
  • Persons
  • Professionals of all the fields
  • Celebrities/Personalities

Our Focus

In our articles here, we will concentrate on the topic of brands, branding and brand management related to persons and professionals.

Stay with us for the next post.

Related Articles on Professional Branding

1. Professional Branding: Start Your Branding Journey Now

3. Definition of "Brand" and "Branding" in the Context of a Professional or a Person"


  1. Very helpful post - as usual.Thanks so much! I hope this one goes viral.The concept of branding was used in commerce, industry and business for marketing, advertising and selling the products. efforts were targeted in etching in customers' mind an association of those promised unique characteristics exclusively with their products. An effective brand strategy gives you a major edge in your business.
